FMS Strategy


There are several kinds of FMS, as described below:

1) Auto-Immune FMS
This is where the immune system attacks molecules in the body that are really friend, yet the immune system is confused and thinks they are foe (i.e. enemy). Many people believe that most cases of arthritis (pain in joints) are auto-immune related. The immune system sensitivity increases when the load on the immune system increases. Load is the combination of things that the immune system deals with; which primarily involves bacteria, viruses and allergens. If one decreases load, then the sensitivity decreases, and then the immune system is less likely to attack friendly parts of the body. To decrease load, one can take an over-the-counter anti-oxidant such as Cellfood. This liquid is the most widely sold anti-oxidant in the world and is available from places like Whole Foods and (click here for details). A bottle cost about $25 in quantity 1, and one can try it for one to two weeks to see if it helps. The bottle is good for 3 to 6 weeks; therefore, if it does not help, you can pass it along to a friend with aches and pains and let them try it. If your problem is auto-immune, you will notice significant improvement typically within several days. The way to diagnose and treat auto-immune problems is the same -- use the anti-oxidant. This website is not affiliated with Cellfood, or any other product, or any distributor, in any way.

2) Calcium/Phosphorus FMS
Calcium/Phosphorus FMS involves the calcification of soft tissues cells. Due to Calcium/Phosphorus (Ca/P) dysregulation, excess Ca/P flow into the soft tissue cells, in the areas of the tender points. This is often effectively treated with the drug Guai, which pulls calcium out of the body and subsequently relieves pain at the tender points. This is a very new area and subsequently there are not many studies on Calcium-Fibromyalgia-Guaifenesein at
medline (abstracts of 8 million scientific studies).

3) Osteomyelitis FMS
Osteomyelitis FMS involves a bacteria and/or fungi infection inside of bone. When the infection is from bacteria, it is called "Bacterial Osteomyelitis"; and when from fungi, "Fungal Osteomyelitis". The bacteria/fungi often originate in the small intestine. These pathologies are very difficult to diagnose since they require taking as sample of bone marrow; hence they often go undiagnosed. For details, please search "Osteomyelitis" or search "Osteomyelitis AND Candida" at
medline. The latter talks about bone infected with fungi.

4) Arthritic FMS
Arthritic FMS is identical to Osteomyelitis FMS, accept the fungi and/or bacteria affix to the outer surface of bone instead and joints, instead of infecting the inner bone. This is sometimes facilitated with another protein molecule that glues ("cross reacts") the bacteria/fungi to the bone/joint surface. This coating can then be attacked by the immune system, leading to inflammation and pain. In many arthritis cases, the Doc does not see a positive on a test (e.g. R-factor test), and subsequently the specific biochemical pathology goes undiagnosed. Pain from joints without a specific diagnosed cause -- sound familiar? If this is you, we recommend that you suspect fungi/bacteria from the gut interacting with bone/joint surfaces, and proceed with the steps below, especially those that involve the gut, fungi and bacteria. If someone tells you arthritis is incurable, ignore them.

5) Oxygen Deprivation FMS
When muscles are deprived of Oxygen (0
2), they become sore. For details, please click here.

The Infected Spine

If the spine, for example, becomes infected with bacteria or fungi, inside or on the surface of vertebrae, then the entire torso region (region between neck and waist) may be extremely sore and stiff after being in bed for a while, and may feel better after taking a hot shower and moving around, yet may still be sore during the day, especially during a deep breath. When the area around the spine inflames, it affects the nerves in the region, which wrap around the torso, and hence the entire torso may feel sore. And if the infection is severe, it can spread to other joints in the body. An infected spine is sometimes referred to as "spondylitis", which is a form of arthritis. For details on this, please search "spondylitis", "spondylitis AND Klebsiella", and "spondylitis AND Candida" at
medline. Klebsiella is a bacteria molecule that infects the surface of the spine, after cross reacting with the HLA-B27 protein and being attacked by the immune system -- this is a form of Bacterial Arthritic FMS. Candida is a type of fungi, and a "spondylitis AND Candida" search will provide information on one form of Fungal Arthritic FMS.

What type of FMS Do I have?

Try Cellfood for one to two weeks, as describe here, and if that helps, then you have auto-immune FMS.

If you have sore areas that match the tender point location illustrations in the FMS books, suspect Calcium/Phosphorus FMS or Oxygen Deprivation FMS, described in more detail below.

If you have the Spine freezing up at night FMS thing or spine x-rays show inflammation, suspect a spine infected with bacteria/fungi inside or outside the vertebrae. The easy next step is Fluconazole antifungal drug for 60days (and heal your gut if you can) and see if you feel better. And if that does not fix it, it is possible to do a spinal tap to draw some spinal fluid and then see if bacteria and/or fungi grow in this fluid in a culture. This test is not fun and can be a little dangerous (it is safer today then 15yrs ago); therefore, consulting with more than one MD may be helpful, and if you do move forward, please ask how many times the neurologist has done a spinal tap, and if the number is less than 100, run like hell. Don't be embarrassed by this question -- it is your body and you have a right to interview the people that work on it.

The easy way to test for Fungal Osteomyelitis FMS or Fungal Arthritic FMS is to take the antifungal drug Fluconazole for 60days and see if you feel better.

The way to check for Bacterial Osteomyelitis FMS or Bacterial Arthritis FMS is to take a sample and then try to grow the bacteria in culture. Then, one can test the bacteria against different drugs in the lab to find a drug that is affective against it (this is called a "sensitivity panel"). Drugs that fight bacteria are called "antibiotics". The disadvantage of these is that they also kill good bacteria in the gut, and these good guys once out of the way, can be replace with bad bacteria, which can take one down. Therefore, it is recommended that one take tons (10 to 30 capsules a day) of good bacteria supplements for 30days during and after the antibiotic treatment.

To see if increased blood coagulation is causing Oxygen Deprivation FMS, one can take a blood decoagulant such as Halperin for 5 to 14days and see if pain significantly subsides. Taking a hot bath reduces blood coagulation temporarily due to dilation of the arteries.

For more information on FMS, please search "Fibromyalgia" at

Battling FMS

Below is an effective approach to fighting FMS. Don't skip any of the following steps. Assume you have each condition, until proven otherwise. Not making this assumption is why people take so long to get well. Yes, this is hard work. For details on CFS/FMS medical tests, please click
here. For information on how to locate a CFS/FMS Doc, click here. One can purchase a number of tests without a Doc at reasonable prices from -- for details, click here.

1) Try Cellfood.
Try Cellfood for one to two weeks, as describe here.

2) Read.
A) Review the recommended treatment approach, described
B) Review your main battle plan, described
C) Review the information contained at this web site, noted

3) Heal Your Gut
If you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome, where your digestion is unreliable), you need to heal your gut since it may be dumping digestive juices (e.g. fungi, bacteria, fermentation toxins) into blood and it may not be providing your organs and with the nutrients they need. For details on how to heal your gut, please click

4) Check for a Sulfite Problem
If you have problems with fatigue, headaches, asthma, itching/reddening skin, then check for a sulfite problem, as described

5) Check for a Calcium/Phosphorus Problem
If you have FMS, especially with tenderpoint areas, check for a Calcium/Phosphorus problem, as described

6) Check For Fungi And Bacteria
After the gut is healed, take an antifungal Rx drug such as Fluconazole (same as Diflucan) for at least 60days, and notice how it affects your remaining symptoms. If you cannot locate the Rx drug and want to try health food store supplements, then Garlic and Thymus is the next best thing, yet may only be one tenth as a affective as the Rx antifungal drug. For details on fighting fungi, click
here. Do not say, "I don't think I have fungi in my blood because I think that is kind of bizarre." Thinking that way is a mistake. Proceed with the assumption that you have a fungi problem, until you have proven otherwise.

Fungi and Bacteria Affixing To Bone And Tissues
It is possible for fungi and/or bacteria to affix to bones and/or soft tissues and be attacked by the immune system, leading to inflammation and pain. This is similar to Ankylosing Spondalitis, where a gene called "HLA-B27" produces a protein that binds to the vertebrae, and is attacked by the immune system leading to inflammation. There is evidence that the HLA-B27 first binds to Klebsiella bacteria, originating from the small intestine. The result is torso pain that is at it's worst after being in bed for several hours (sort of like FMS pain). In Fibromyalgia, it is believed, in many cases, something similar is happening, yet the "thing that binds to the vertebrae and is attacked by the immunity system" is different from HLA-B27/Klebsiella. There could be many other types of bacteria and fungi that behave in this way. Most fungi and bacteria originate in the small intestine. This is why there are so many reports of pain getting significantly better after healing of the gut, and after taking antifungal medicine.

Fungi and Bacteria Inside of Bones
It is also possible for fungi and/or bacteria to infect the inside of bones (e.g. the vertebrae, causing full torso pain). This is sometimes referred to as "fungal osteomyelitis" or "bacterial osteomyelitis". It is believed that bacterial osteomyelitis is more prevalent than fungal osteomyelitis which is described
here. A good way to diagnose osteomyelitis is to do a biopsy on the inner bone material and look for several of the more common types of fungi and/or bacteria, with the understanding one could have a strain that is not checked. Also, if one's pain is noticeably better after an antifungal drug, they may have fungal osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis is known to cause pain and sometimes fatigue. One reason is it under-diagnosed is taking an inner bone biopsy is a fairly invasive and costly procedure.

Dr. Leo Galland, one of America's most famous Doc's had a very similar case, where bacteria or fungi from the gut was implicated in FMS pain. For details, please see his book, "Power Healing", and refer to "Michael Finn" in the index.

Antifungal Medication
Antifungal meds are great, since the body should not have any fungi, and therefore going after all fungi is ok. Bacteria is a different ballgame, since one has approximately 450 strains of bacteria in the gut that are used to digest food, and anti-bacterials (i.e. "antibiotic" medicine that kills bacteria) attack this good bacteria as well as the bad, and can therefore change the ecology of the gut, and lead to gut problems. For references regarding this kind of issue, please click
here, here and here.

Our Example Case
In our example case, fungi had entered George's body, probably from the gut, affixed itself to the spine, and was being attacked by the immunity system, leading to inflammation and pain; especially after being in bed 1 to 2 hours. Antibodies to Pullaria Pullans (a fungi) were seen with a blood test as shown
here. George found the following to be most helpful in battling his FMS: healing the gut, antifungal medication, odorless Garlic capsules with meals (which fights fungi), and Thymus (50mg/day) which simulates the part of the immunity system that fights fungi.

7) Check for Heavy Metals
Heavy metal molecules in the body (e.g. mercury from dental amalgam and salt water fish) can inactivate the part of the immunity system that is responsible for killing fungi, can inactivate enzymes in the liver used to filter the blood, can inactivate enzymes used to make blood, can inactivate enzymes used to synthesize and regulate brain chemicals, can inactivate the areas of nerve cells that communicate with other cells (e.g. receptors), can disrupt Ca/P regulation, and can encourage harmful bacteria/fungi growth in the small intestine leading to toxic gas and a permeable small intestine wall. All of these items are BAD NEWS. If you kill your fungi yet also have a heavy metal problem and don't deal with it, the fungi can return.
Great Smokies Labs sells a relatively low cost Rx-not-needed test to the general public that checks for heavy metals in hair. For information on how to check for mercury, and detoxify if found, please click here. For information on how mercury molecules can cause CFS/FMS, please click here. Please don't think, "This is too bizarre." and ignore the heavy metal issue. Assume you have it until proven otherwise.

8) Check Your Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Low Human Growth Hormone levels can result in soft tissue pain. This hormone can be easily checked with a test from
Great Smokies Labs.

9) Check For Oxygen Deprivation Via Blood Coagulation
To see if increased blood coagulation is causing oxygen deprivation to your soft tissues, one can take a blood decoagulant such as Halperin for 5 to 14days to see if symptoms significantly reduce. For details, click
here and see

Example Case: George's FMS

George experienced high Sedimentation Rates (measurement of internal inflammation) and FMS pain for 12yrs while taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and meds like Flexerile. He made major improvement after healing the gut, was able to refrain from all prescription meds, and the Sedimentation rate dropped, yet pain persisted at night. Then, after being on an antifungal for 60days, the night pain disappeared; leaving George pain free and without having to take pain/inflammation meds. He still takes the antifungal drug, and may continue for another 12mths or so.

Recommended Research proposes that research be done to better understand CFS/FMS. For details, please click
here and here.

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