Medical Testing

To Get a Test, You Need A Rx From a Medical Practitioner
Medical tests require an Rx (i.e. a prescription) from someone certified to Rx the particular test (e.g a Doctor of Medicine). Acquiring a medical test is sometimes like at 16 year old kid getting alcohol. Each time, they need to figure out how to get it, being creative, and doing whatever they can to achieve their goal, sometimes using one method, sometimes using another. Most Docs are taught they should not Rx a test unless they understand the test, understand what is being done with it, and have evidence there is a somewhat decent probability of seeing a positive. Many of the CFS/FMS tests, as noted previously, are not understood by the typical Docs, and for this reason, the typical Doc will not help you take many of the tests mentioned at this web site. In fact, they'll probably tell you that you are crazy and may suggest you see a psychiatrist. On one hand, one could argue that sending a sample to a lab cannot hurt the patient (we are just collecting data here), and therefore should be supported by the traditional Doc whenever the patient requests the test, provided the patient is willing to cover the cost and assumes responsibility for spending money when the probability of a positive is low. Some argue that non-invasive (does not require entering the person's body) tests should not require an Rx. Yet most Traditional Doc's are trained to cut costs independent of who is footing the bill and they are trained to not involve themselves with something they do not understand. If they don't understand something, they are taught to tell the patient this, and to refer the patient to someone that does understand. Unfortunately, most HMO/Insurance programs do not cover the expensive, "lets comprehensively analyze a person's internal biochemistry" approach used by CFS/FMS Docs.
#1 Get Test Kit, #2 Collect Sample, #3 Send to Lab
Running a medical test first requires getting a test kit. This is a little box or envelop that contains collection containers, instructions for collection and an envelope to send the sample to a lab somewhere in the country. You can trust these labs to be real, since they tend to be large, they are used by MD's, and if they where not for real, the MD's would not use them.
Running a medical test typically involves collecting sample(s) of urine, stool, saliva, hair or blood. The first four are easy. The last one, blood, requires assistance from someone who knows how to draw blood. Many clinics/labs will collect blood if you have an Rx for the test. In many cases, you can walk into a clinic with an Rx, with empty tubes, with instructions on how to do the collection; and they will extract the blood from your arm and fill your tubes, in the manner described on the instructions that you hand them. And then, you can send the blood to the lab. It is great if your primary Doc is willing to fill tubes for you at his/her clinic, even if he/she does not have a clue as to what you are doing with the blood. Also, if you want to switch Docs, you can ask prospective doc's, "will you fill tubes for tests which I acquire and manage.". In some cased, you need to refrain from certain foods for several days. Also, some tests require a challenge. This is where you consume something before the test (e.g. aspirin, a small caffeine pill, a little sugar).
Samples are often sent to labs via Emery Express, Airborne, or FedEx. If sent overnight, and sent on a Mon through Thurs, the lab will get them within 24hrs, and on a day they can process the sample (Tuesday through Friday). Many test kits include an overnight courier form, already filled out with the proper address, and the cost of the shipping is often built into the total cost of the test; therefore, all you need to do is call the 800 number on the address label and tell them to send over a courier to pick up the package. Then, 3 to 30 days later, you should get the result, often by mail.
How To Find a CFS/FMS Doc that will get you Tests
Click here for different ways to locate a CFS/FMS Doc that will get you the tests and the treatment you need.

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