Calcium/Phosphorus Strategy


Calcium (Ca) and Phosphorus (P) are a big issue if you are experiencing at least one of the following symptoms:

* soft tissue FMS pain
* symptoms of Alzheimer
* bone pain (due to low level calcium in bone)
* osteoporosis (calcium depleted bones)

The above symptoms are related to Ca/P. Calcium and Phosphorus exist in the bone, and that is all good and well; however, if it flows out of the bones and into the blood, it can go where you don't want it to go, like inside cells, and this can cause problems.

Alzheimer's And Fibromyalgia Pain Are Related
Recent reports have found that Alzheimer cadaver brain have higher levels of calcium than cadaver controls, implying that calcium may be "bone-a-fying" the brain cells, resulting in memory loss. Recent reports have also found that Alzheimer cadaver brain have higher levels of mercury than cadaver controls. It is possible that poisoning of brain by mercury is another cause of Alzheimer's; or, the two are related.

Mercury molecules can increase the flux of calcium into cells by increasing cell membrane permeability, and also by impairing the export of caocium due to impairing calcium export ionic channels. Therefore, it may be that Alzheimer's involves a two pronged attack -- one that knocks down the outer perimeter defenses so the main army can invade. Sort of like the army and airforce . The airforce disables the defenses at the perimeter, and the ground forces then move in. Mercury is the Airforce. Calcium is the Army, and Phosphorus is the Marines.

The same thing can happen to soft tissue cells. Calcium can enter them, calcify them, and cause pain. In a sense, the soft tissue cells begin to turn into bone. It is believed that the "tender point" regions that FMS subjects report as being sore are areas where calcium collects. It is theorized that more women experience FMS and in middle age, since women during their menopause loose more calcium from bone than men. Also, one's bones can hurt when they become depleted of calcium.

There is a drug called "Guaifenesein" (Guai), pioneered by Dr. R. Paul St. Amand, which pulls Calcium out of the body, and many with FMS have reported positive results with this treatment, however, it is painful and lengthy. A disadvantage of Guai is it can upregulate one's liver phase I filtration and therefore increase phase I toxins (e.g. free radicals) that must be removed from the blood with liver phase II filtration. If phase II goes down, one can suffer from excess blood toxicity. Additionally, other Rx drugs that are similar to Guai have been found to increase the risk of cancer, and no long term large population studies have been done with Guai to assess it's risk in this area. Due to these various competing issues we cannot encourage or discourage the use of Guai. For details, please visit the Official Guaifenesein-FMS-Amand website by clicking

In summary, excess Calcium inside cells is one cause of Fibromyalgia pain. There are several others, yet this is one big one.

The Calcium Defense Against Acid Poisoning
If blood pH is low (acid-like), then Calcium and Phosphorus will leech out of bone to neutralize acid and increase the pH. This is called survival. The blood needs a pH in a very specific range in order to transport oxygen and function efficiently. Therefore, anything that causes low blood pH can cause calcium to move out of bone. Subsequently, one can test the pH of urine by urinating on pH paper from a chemical supply company with a 0.1 scale and look for a pH level less than 6.4, which is indicative of a low blood pH, which is indicative of a Calcium problem. Or, one can test blood pH directly.

What can cause Acidic Blood?
If the small intestine has non-beneficial bacteria or yeast (fungi), then it will ferment sugar from food and turn it into hydrogen and acidic chemicals, which leak into the blood, raise the acidity, and then cause Ca/P to leech out of bone. For details on how to test for and deal with non-beneficial bacteria and yeast in the gut, click
here. Sugar is the food for this fermentation process, therefore, less sugar can be helpful if there is a bacteria/fungi problem. In general, a properly functioning gut is vital to good health.

Coke-a-cola Can Make Your Back To Hurt
Another chemical that can cause Calcium/Phosphorus to leech out of bone is phosphoric acid, which is found in soda pop. If you drink a lot (or even some) soda pop and you have FMS pain, you might consider loosing that soda for several weeks and see if this affects your pain. Caffeine can also increase the flux of Ca/P out of bone.

I Need a Soda Please...
Also note that the soda that you love so much can hurt you in several ways:

* Provides sugar (food) to harmful bacteria and yeast causing acidity in blood which leeches Ca/P out of bone, causing immune reactions in gut that inflame gut wall, causing harmful gut material to leak into blood, and causing the immune system to become more sensitive and become more allergic.

* Injects phosphoric acid into blood, which leeches Ca/P out of bone.

* The Phosphoric Acid in soda leeches metal out of dental amalgam, especially copper Amalgam used in Finland, Norway, and Germany prior 1980.

Also note that one can hit a viscous cycle, in that their ATP energy can become impaired (fatigue), they can reach for a soda to give them a little boost and further hurt their health via the above interactions, causing them to reach for another soda...

The Heavy Metal Connection
Heavy metals can aggravate the Calcium/Phosphorus situation, since they can inactivate the mechanism within soft tissue cells that keep the Calcium/Phosphorus from entering. Therefore, if you have a heavy metal problem, you are at an increased risk of a Ca/P problem; conversely, if you have a Ca/P problem, the risk that a metal problem exists is higher.

Testing For A Calcium Problem
To look for a Calcium problem, it is recommended that you measure Phosphorus (P), Calcium (Ca), and vitamin D levels in blood, and perform an osteoporosis test. If Calcium is out of the Optimal range of 9.8 +- 0.4 or Phosphorus is out of the Optimal range of 3.92 +- 0.3 or the ratio of these two (Ca/P) is out of the optimal range of 2.5 +- 0.2, then one can suspect a Calcium (and Phosphorus) disregulation. Note that Optimal range is different from Normal range, in that it provides less margin for variation. Measuring a low urine pH of < 6.4 can also indicate a Calcium problem caused by acidic blood. For a test available online that does not require a Doc's Rx and can see calcium depletion in bone (this could provide a clue as to what your calcium is doing), please click

Other Causes of Ca/P Disregulation
The following is a list of things that can cause calcium, and it's companion mineral Phosphorus, to move from bone into blood: parathyroid hormone disregulation, calcitonin hormone disregulation, bone infections, Osteoporosis, estrogen disregulation, testosterone disregulation, and high vitamin D levels. In most cases, the problems are related to parathyroid, calcitonin, and D vitamins.

How does One Deal With Hormone/Mineral Ca/P Problems?
In order to deal with this, one must measure the parameters in the above list to identify more specifically what is causing the Ca/P disregulation. For example, if one has hypoparathyroid or hyperparathyroid, the parathyroid hormone will be out of range. After a problem is found, one can take supplements to counter it, and/or continue to check the chemicals used to make the disregulated hormone to find the cause of it's disregulation, and ideally, treat the root cause of the Ca/P problem.

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