Gulf War Syndrome
The Center For Disease Control 1999 Gulf War Syndrome Research Summary Report (click here to view and scroll to pdf page 10, or click here to for more details), states that animals fed the same drugs that were given to their 1992 Gulf War Personnel developed health problems that were significantly worse statistically than the sum of the incidence of symptoms when each pill was taken individually. The military personnel were given many pesticides, anti-viral, anti-chemical warfare, anti-biological warfare, and anti-parasite agents. These drugs were originally approved in studies that showed them to be safe when taken individually. In summary, each poison can disrupt a layer of protection to the point where several layers are defeated, causing the sensitive internal biochemistry to be exposed to harmful agents.
According to the CDC report, the toxicity of the war pesticides (e.g. bug repellents such as DEET and permethrin) increased 100-fold when combined with pyridostigmine bormide (the anti-nerve gas drug). Pesticides are designed to inactivate the nerve cells of bugs by binding to their internal molecules. A human can normally tolerate low levels of pesticides, yet 100x levels are more dangerous.
Additionally, burning oil well smoke is laden with heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, lead, and mercury which can bind to internal enzymes and chemicals, and disable their function.
This CDC 1999 Gulf War Report is consistent with the information at our web site, which explains how many "difficult to see" problems are the result of one offending molecule disrupting an internal defense system and therefore enabling another offending molecule to damage internal biochemistry, without leaving much of a trace as to who had been where when. It is ironic that the USA military was concerned about the threat of chemical/biological warfare from the enemy, yet not themselves. Some feel there is nothing to fear but fear itself. One could argue there is nothing to fear, but yourself. Yet in all fairness, the US Army had the right intentions at the time.
If one is suffering from GWS, we recommend that you proceed with our CFS Strategy and FMS Strategy. Additionally, the approach at the Dallas Environmental Health Center (e.g. Toxification Panel 200) is recommended (for details, click here and here). Also, it is recommend that one look for heavy metals via the dmsa challenge test and the Porphyrin panel. For details, click here.
It is possible that some folks with GWS have permanent nerve damage from the pesticides , and treating it is not easy; however, they may also have many other things that are reverseable and therefore leave room for improvement.
For more information on recommended research, please click here and here.
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