George's Medical Test Results, Part #2

The details the medical tests conducted on "George", our example subject, in the 1998 to 1999 timeframe.

For Part #1 of George's Tests, click here.

Melatonin Test

Test Summary

These tests look at the levels of melatonin in the body, at different times during the day. Melatonin is the sleep hormone, and when it is on, one is in the sleep state.

Test Details

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These results showed melatonin to be on during the day, and off at night, meaning that the body was trying to sleep when up, and not when not.

10/98 Test

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11/98 Test

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Mercury Tests

Test Summary

These tests look for mercury in nails, public hair, and urine. Mercury in urine is typically organic mercury from dental amalgam. Mercury in hair and nails is typically inorganic mercury from salt water fish.

Test Details


These results showed toxic levels of inorganic mercury, probably from salt water fish.

10/98 Test

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2/99 Test

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Organic Acids Analysis Tests

Test Summary

This test looks at the chemicals used to make ATP energy in the citric acid cycle, and also at chemicals that are used to make neurotransmitters.

Test Details

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These results showed low levels of citrate, fumarate, and vanilmandelate. Citrate is used to make ATP energy and vanilmandelate is used to make the noradrenaline neurotransmitter. Supplementing with aspartic acid and L-tyrosine compensates for these deficiencies, and the patient felt significantly less fatigue after doing so

10/98 Test

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6/99 Test

Oxidation Stress Tests

Test Summary

This test looks at the amount of waste products in the body, and the body's ability to dispose of them.

Test Details

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These results were slightly abnormal in some areas, yet not significantly.

10/98 Test

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Porphyrin Analysis

Test Summary

This test looks a the manufacture of HEME by special enzymes. Heme is used to make blood. This is a 9 step process, and if any of the enzymes are missing for one of these steps, the chemical that goes into the step does not get converted to the chemical for the next step, and it spills into the urine. It has been found by Dr James Woods that mercury molecules (from fish or amalgam) can inactivate the Coprophyrin III step.

Test Details


These results showed the Coprophyrin III step as being inactivated. There are not many thing that can do this, however one of them is mercury molecules binding with the enzymes used in the copro III step.

10/98 Test

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Small Intestine Permeability Test

Test Summary

This shows how much the digestive juices in the small intestine are leaking into the blood, which they should not do.

Test Details

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The 4/98 test result shows that the small intestine is not absorbing nutrients well, and is passing large bacteria molecules from the gut, into the blood. This causes the immunity system to become more sensitive, in the presence of invaders, leading to more allergies, and more work for the liver to filter the blood. This condition, sometimes referred to as Leaky Gut, is common when one has Irritable Bowel Syndrome (e.g. constant diarrhea). For details on Leaky Gut, please click here.

4/98 Test

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Testosterone Test

Test Summary

This test looked at levels of testosterone vs time throughout the day.

Test Details


These levels appear a little high, yet when one compensates for a sleep cycle shifted forward several hours, they are somewhat normal.

10/98 Test

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Thyroid, Glucuose, & Male Hormone Test

Test Summary

This test looked at levels of Prolactin, Testosterone, TSH, LH, Cortisol, DHEA-S, and Glucose.

Test Details


These levels, for the most part were normal

1/99 Test

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Upper GI Barrium Exam

Test Summary

This is the report of a radiologist that pumped barium into the stomach and small intestine and then looked at it with an xray machine, to look for a whole or knot in the small intestine..

Test Details


Everything looked normal.

6/98 Test

Result Page 1



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